Genus Amurodendron A.B. Sokolova, Zavial., M. Moiseeva, Kodrul Paleontol. J., 57: 1190. Dec 2023
- Name
- Amurodendron
- Rank
- Genus
- Authors (Pub.)
- Sokolova A. B.
Zavialova N. E.
Moiseeva M. G.
Kodrul T. M.
- Publication
- The new genus Amurodendron (Cupressaceae s.l.) from the Paleocene Boguchan flora of the Amur Region (Russian Far East) [2023/12]
- Journal
- Paleontological Journal
- Volume
- 57
- Page number
- 1190
- Year
- 2023
- Parent Taxon
- [Family] Cupressaceae
- Fossil Status
- leafy twigs (with male cones)
- Type
- Amurodendron pilosum
- Diagnosis
- Shoots terminal. Leaves polymorphic:
from scale-like to linear-lanceolate. Linear-lanceolate
leaves arranged helically, curving at base to
orient in roughly one plane, they decrease in size from
base to apex of shoot; angle of leaf deviation up to 80°;
petiolate long-decurrent bases leave oblique or parallel
lines on shoot axis. Numerous hair-like teeth occur
along leaf margin and on shoot axis. Midvein weakly
expressed on both leaf surfaces. Scale-like leaves densely helically arranged, rhomboid. All leaves
amphistomatic; stomata monocyclic or incompletely
amphicyclic; anticlinal walls of epidermal cells straight.
Pollen cones ellipsoidal in shape, terminally and laterally
arranged; lateral cones arrange alternately or subopposite.
Each pollen cone consists of helical to decussate,
almost isometric microsporophylls. Pollen small to
medium in size, rounded, with distal papilla, granular
ectexine and lamellate endexine.
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